Vorträge für die großen Konferenzen 2016 eingereicht.

Themen: Sicherheit – Performance – In-Memory

Nach dem tollen Verlauf der deutschen SQLKonferenz im Februar, wo ich die Ehre hatte, zusammen mit Joachim Hammer, dem Program Manager der Security-Teams für die relationalen SQL Engines bei Microsoft in Redmond die neuen Sicherheitsfeatures des SQL Server 2016 vorzustellen (mehr Infos), habe ich nun endlich Zeit gefunden, die nächsten großen Konferenzen dieses Jahres anzugehen.

Für den PASS Summit 2016, der wieder in Seattle/USA stattfindet, und auch für den SQLServerGeeks Annual Summit 2016, der in Bangalore/Indien stattfindet habe ich insgesamt 6 Sessions aus den Themengebieten „Sicherheit“, „Performance Analyse“ und „In-Memory“ ausgearbeitet und eingereicht. Dazu kommen 2 ganztägige PreCons zum Thema „Sicherheit“ und „In-Memory“.
Wen es interessiert zu sehen, was ich diesmal „in Petto“ habe, kann die Abstracts hier einsehen.


Security Hardening is a subject which, sooner or later, every DBA will face. Microsoft SQL Server, according to the NIST vulnerability database the most secure RDBMS for years, contains many features that help keep the data secure on different layers. At the same time, ever-new applications which use databases on your servers, support-personnel, deployment-processes, auditors, and other processes and real people are constantly demanding access to your Server.

At this full-day pre-conference you will see how external and internal attackers can gain access to sensitive data. You will then learn how to secure the different attack surfaces of a typical SQL Server, and protect not only Data at Rest but also Data in Use and Data in Transit and learn best practices to prevent common vulnerabilities.

In the second part you will get to know fundamental security principles such as

  • Least Privilege;
  • Segregation of Duties;
  • Reconstruction of Events;
  • Delegation of Authority;

and you will learn how to use built-in functionalities of SQL Server (some limited to v2016) to build your own security frameworks to secure Deployment and Monitoring, separate Job-permissions; how to implement time-based permissions and which techniques can help reconstruct security-relevant events.

If you are in charge of creating or implementing security concepts or need a full picture of attack surface protection and concepts, this session is exactly right for you.

General sessions:

Extended Events – The Top Features for efficient Traces

Extended Events, which entered the product in SQL Server 2008, are replacing the old SQL Trace & Profiler – and there are many good reasons for that. In this session you will see a selection of the most fascinating possibilities using this Tracing Framework. If you want to find out how to trace in a flexible and lightweight way, how to do advanced analysis directly inside the GUI, how to audit Database and Table-access without Auditing, how to analyze deadlocks without old-fashioned TraceFlags based on the built-in system_health session, this session is just for you. You will also learn how to use the GUI in an effective way for top-down-analysis and what is possible with some XQuery scripting.

Ich werde natürlich posten, wenn meine Vorträge für 2016 feststehen. Vielleicht sieht man sich ja auf der einen oder anderen Konferenz. 🙂
