Conferences 2015

SQLServerGeeks Annual Summit Bangalore/India

In 2015, I have given a total of 14 presentations as well as 2 PreCons at 8 conferences and 3 regional user groups.

2015 brought me to conferences in Asia for the first time – besides an SQLSaturday Malaysia, to the very first SQL Server conference in Asia: in India. In Europe too, there were 3 large conferences. At the end of the year, I was a speaker again at the largest SQL Server conference of all: the PASS Summit in the USA.

The year had started with the SQL Server Conference, which is organized by PASS Germany in cooperation with Microsoft Germany. There, together with my respected colleague Niko Neugebauer, I gave a sequel to our PreCon from the previous year on the topic of “In-Memory Storage Engines in SQL Server 2014.”

In rough order of their relevance/scale:

PASS Summit, Seattle 2015, USA
Lightning Talk: Capturing and Analyzing Deadlocks with Extended Events
Deutsche SQL Server Konferenz 2015, Darmstadt
In-Memory OLTP für Entwickler
PreCon: In-Memory Internas: Clustered Columnstore & In-Memory OLTP Deep Dive
SQLBits XIV, London, Great Britain
Extended Events – The Top Features
SQL Server Geeks Annual Summit, Bangalore/Indien
Tracing With Extended Events – Top Features
SQL Server Under Attack via SQL Injection
SQLSaturday Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
In-Memory OLTP Vol1 – XTP Fundamentals & Future Development
“SQL Attack…ed” – SQL Server under attack via SQL Injection
SQLSaturday Rheinland/Germany
Tracing with Extended Events – Top Features
PreCon: Hybrid IT – Azure Scenarios & Dynamic Infrastructure
Microsoft Technical Summit 2015, Darmstadt
SQL Server 2016 Das Performance und Sicherheits-Release
SQLDay, Wroclaw, Poland
“SQL Attack…ed” – SQL Server under attack via SQL Injection
From Locks to Dead-locks. – Concurrency in SQL
PASS Regionalgruppentreffen Rheinland
A journey into SQL Server Storage (von Memory zu Disk)
PASS Regionalgruppentreffen Ruhrgebiet
A journey into SQL Server Storage (von Memory zu Disk)
PASS Regionalgruppentreffen Rhein/Main
A journey into SQL Server Storage (von Memory zu Disk)