Survey: patched for Meltdown & Spectre?

It has been over 4 weeks now that the very serious security bugs named Meltdown and Spectre, affecting almost any CPU made in the last decade, have been publicized and patches have been made available for various systems and software. Some patches even had to be withdrawn and recreated (AMD had not maintained its documentation). In […]

SQL Server Database Ownership: survey results & recommendations

You may remember the survey on database ownership which I launched several months ago. In the following, I am now presenting the results and giving my official recommendation for a best practice for security in terms of database ownership. First, if you still need the script:

Security-Check-Script & Survey: SQL Server Security – Database-Owners, critical Permissions and role membership

In this survey, I would like to explore in a greater radius which accounts are typically used as database owners. I will subsequently publish the cumulated results here to share them with the community together with some recommendations for hardening security. In this instance, particular server-wide permissions both of the used account as well as, […]

Survey: Which Tracing and Analysis-Tools do you use for SQL Server?

In my session Session „Hasta la vista Profiler – Tracing with Extended Events“, which I have presented at several occasions, I used to ask the audience which tools they used for monitoring so far. I would like to use this platform to survey on a broader range as to which tools are being used by […]