Entries by Andreas Wolter

Index-Cheat-Sheet. The complete Index-compatibility Matrix for SQL Server

With the total of 4 new index types we have gained since SQL Server 2012 now we also have a total of 4 basic formats (Heap, Clustered Index, Clustered Columnstore Index, memory-optimized “varheap”) for data storage in SQL Server. And what’s more, with SQL Server 2016, these can be combined in various ways.

The SQL Server 2016 In-Memory Evolution – from row-store to columnstore to in-memory operational analytics

SQL Server 2016 is finally available and, by extension, the “version 2” of the In-Memory OLTP Engine, if you will. At various international conferences and already at the IX in 2014 I have presented what is behind the In-Memory Engine of SQL Server introduced in SQL Server 2014. Only I had not yet found the […]

Reporting Services 2016 – Back in the game: the new capabilities & features

It has been years since my last publications and presentations on Reporting Services. This is no surprise, because since the 2008 R2-release nothing has happened there. With SQL Server 2016, the Reporting Services finally get attention again, as I had preannounced in passing already last May („SQL Server 2016 – the Security & Performance Release“). […]

Sessions submitted for major conferences 2016. Topics: Security – Performance – In-Memory

After the great success of the German SQLKonferenz in February, where I had the honor of presenting the new security features of SQL Server 2016 together with Joachim Hammer, the Program Manager of the security teams of the relational SQL Engines at Microsoft in Redmond (more info), I finally found time to go about the […]

SQLKonferenz in Darmstadt: Presenting the Security Features of SQL Server 2016 with the program manager of the security-teams from Redmond

This year, from 23 to 25 February, the 3rd ”SQLKonferenz” takes place in Darmstadt. And this year represents a particular peak for me in two regards: For one, my company, Sarpedon Quality Lab®, is for the first time Silver Sponsor of the conference. In this way, I am supporting PASS Deutschland e.V., the German SQL […]