Time for a new challenge: Senior Program Manager Microsoft SQL Server Security Team
/0 Comments/in Conferences, Security, SeminareFull day PreCon Practical Performance Analysis in Melbourne at Asia & Australia Tour 2018
/0 Comments/in Azure, Conferences, HADR, AlwaysOn, Locking & Blocking, Performance, SecurityAs it has almost become a habit by now for me, I will be touring Asia this summer. This year not only Asia, but for the first time also Australia. (There, however, is winter, which sometimes leads to funny confusion in agreements until you get used to this.) 1st stop: Singapore – Azure SQL Database […]
One day of “In-Memory Technologies in SQL Server”
/in Conferences, HADR, AlwaysOn, In-Memory OLTP/XTP, HTAP, SecurityIt is no secret that I have been very active in the Asian region the last years – mainly in Singapore, Malaysia and India. So, it may not be a surprise that this summer I will be giving a full day PreCon at the now called “Data Platform Summit” in India’s hub for information technology: […]
What makes a successful Tech Conference?
/0 Comments/in Certification, MCM & MCSM, MVP, Conferences, SQLPASSAfter my Asia-tour this summer I feel it is about time for this article. At the time of this article (09-2016) I have presented at more than 50 technical conferences around the world (Europe, Middle East, Asia, North America), from small with about 150 attendees to huge with around 5000 attendees. With that came a […]
The SQL Server 2016 In-Memory Evolution – from row-store to columnstore to in-memory operational analytics
/0 Comments/in Columnstore Index, Conferences, In-Memory OLTP/XTP, HTAP, Indexing, SQL Server 2016, Storage EngineSQL Server 2016 is finally available and, by extension, the “version 2” of the In-Memory OLTP Engine, if you will. At various international conferences and already at the IX in 2014 I have presented what is behind the In-Memory Engine of SQL Server introduced in SQL Server 2014. Only I had not yet found the […]
Conferences in SQL Server summer 2016
/in Columnstore Index, Conferences, In-Memory OLTP/XTP, HTAP, Seminare, SQL Server 2016, SQLPASS, Storage EngineIt feels like I have just been back from the SQLBits XV in Liverpool, where I introduced the Security Features of the SQL Server 2016 (SQL Server 2016 – Security Obscurity and Encryption), and next thing I know, I am already in the middle of planning the next SQL Server Master-Class on High Availability with […]
Sarpedon Quality Lab presenting SQL Server 2016 In-Memory and Security Features in Arabia at SQL Gulf 3
/in Columnstore Index, Conferences, In-Memory OLTP/XTP, HTAP, Security, SQL Server 2016مرحبا (“MARR-hah-bah”, Arabic: Hello) This year takes me to yet another part of the world: I have been invited to speak at THE SQL Server Conference in the Middle East: at SQL Gulf 3 taking place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on April 23rd.
Sessions submitted for major conferences 2016. Topics: Security – Performance – In-Memory
/in Conferences, Extended Events, In-Memory OLTP/XTP, HTAP, Performance, Security, SQL Server 2016, SQLPASS, Tracing & MonitoringAfter the great success of the German SQLKonferenz in February, where I had the honor of presenting the new security features of SQL Server 2016 together with Joachim Hammer, the Program Manager of the security teams of the relational SQL Engines at Microsoft in Redmond (more info), I finally found time to go about the […]
SQLKonferenz in Darmstadt: Presenting the Security Features of SQL Server 2016 with the program manager of the security-teams from Redmond
/in Columnstore Index, Conferences, In-Memory OLTP/XTP, HTAP, Security, SQL Server 2016, SQLPASSThis year, from 23 to 25 February, the 3rd ”SQLKonferenz” takes place in Darmstadt. And this year represents a particular peak for me in two regards: For one, my company, Sarpedon Quality Lab®, is for the first time Silver Sponsor of the conference. In this way, I am supporting PASS Deutschland e.V., the German SQL […]